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Kurt Keefner
Mar 16, 20246 min read
“Self-Esteem” and Narcissism
Is the Objectivist concept of self-esteem partly to blame for the current wave of narcissism?

Kurt Keefner
Nov 15, 20232 min read
Talk => Talk => Talk
We usually know what we're going to say before we say it. It's not so obvious how that works..

Kurt Keefner
Jun 30, 202116 min read
The Perfecting of Howard Roark
Howard Roark is no statue. This is the story of his development as a human character.

Kurt Keefner
May 20, 20217 min read
The Fate of Atlas
I really enjoyed Greek mythology as a boy, but I was never much interested in Atlas. His brother Prometheus, who created humankind and...

Kurt Keefner
Oct 16, 20207 min read
The Defects of His Virtues, The Virtues of His Defects
The paradoxical characters of Oskar Schindler, Howard Roark and Shakespeare's Brutus

Kurt Keefner
May 15, 20209 min read
The Bust of Caesar
Some characters are perfectly realized without being merely allegorical.

Carrie-Ann Biondi
Mar 1, 20189 min read
Surrender in The Fountainhead.
You would expect Ayn Rand not to like the concept of "surrender," but sometimes she does.

Kurt Keefner
Dec 16, 201711 min read
Heroes and Shipwrecks: Beethoven and Ayn Rand
In which the sense of life in Beethoven's Fifth is compared to that of Atlas Shrugged.

Kurt Keefner
May 8, 201425 min read
John Galt, Alternative Christ
My thesis is that John Galt, hero of Ayn Rand's magnum opus Atlas Shrugged, can be regarded as an "alternative Christ." An alternative...
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